CNS High School Application 2025


  1. Read and understand the Eligibility and Policies page.
  2. Create a project based on the theme below.
  3. The projects will be evaluated using the following criteria:
    • Answers the question asked in the theme.
    • Creativity, originality, and insightfulness.
    • The project is expected to be new and unique for this scholarship application. Projects submitted previously for class work or other projects are not allowed.
    • Demonstration of effort and attention to detail in your application and project.
    • All content (videos, images, and/or songs) must be copyright free and/or acknowledgement must be given to the source. Example: if a song is used in a video, the Name/Artist must be cited.
  4. Please direct any questions regarding the application or theme to [email protected]

Project Theme

In celebration of 25 years of the Keith Wesley Fengler Scholarship, applicants are invited to create a project highlighting how they believe the scholarship has impacted CNS and previous scholarship winners, while also sharing the applicant’s personal vision for continuing this legacy in the future.

Submitting Your Application

  1. Once your project is complete, fill out and submit the CNS High School Application Form, which can be accessed below.
  2. If your project is a:
    • Video
      • You must upload the video to YouTube.
      • Have your first and last name within the title of the video.
      • List the URL for your video on the Application Form.
      • If you do not wish for your YouTube video to be viewable by the general public, then select “unlisted” in the privacy settings when you are uploading it. This will make it so that all users who have the link to it will be able to access it, but no one else will be able to find it.
    • Website
      • List the URL on the Application Form.
    • Other creative project
      • Send the files to your project to [email protected] immediately after submitting your application.
      • Materials must be in PDF format.
      • File size must be less than 10 GBs.
  3. The application form and project must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.