• CNS Applicants 2024

  • Ravenwood Applicants 2024

Keith W. Fengler Memorial Scholarship

In 2001, the Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Keith Wesley Fengler, who achieved success in life and his career by constantly striving to “think different”. Through hard work and dedication, Keith forged a successful career in graphic design and computer programming that was marked by a love of Apple computers.

Each year, the foundation seeks to identify graduating seniors that share Keith’s values and interests. To aid in this process, the scholarship utilizes a project-based application process. Applicants choose from a variety of projects on a given theme that represent typical real-world applications of graphic design, computer programming, and video production.

To encourage the pursuit of computer-related careers, the foundation awards scholarship winners an Apple computer. The Scholarship was established at CNS High School in Cicero, NY, which is where Keith (and the Fengler family) attended. Computers have been awarded to over 140 exceptional students over the past 20+ years.

In 2008 the Keith W. Fengler Mac Media Lab was created and in 2011 a second lab was created. The hope is that with these labs the Scholarship can promote and enhance the teaching of computer classes.

In 2022 the Scholarship began awarding computers to graduating seniors at Ravenwood High School in Brentwood, TN, where the Fengler family now resides.


The scholarship is sponsored by Rampage Systems, a company to which Keith made great contributions.


As I carried this computer in my backpack every day, I realized that college would have looked completely different without this resource. My computer made me excited to learn. In fact, its capabilities excited me so much that I recently switched my major to computer science!
-2022 Scholarship Winner

  • Kaylee Bae

    United States

I couldn't have made it throughout those years without that computer.
-2003 Scholarship Winner

  • Michelle Heimerman

    United States

Thank you so much for giving me the tool to become successful!!
-2006 Scholarship winner

  • Julie MacMartin

    United States